Marcia discovered the motivation to write her memoir Every Shitty Thing after decades of doubt and procrastination. Something stirred within after moving across the country from Sydney to Perth in 2014 to follow her second husband’s dream. Away from family and friends, and dealing with a blended family nightmare, she needed a distraction so decided to follow her own dream of writing a book. After several years of honing the craft of writing, she found her writing tribe and a mentor who helped bring Every Shitty Thing to life. It wasn’t the book she intended to write. Her fear of exposing a childhood of violence and abuse, a lifetime of betrayals and deception, was like betraying her dead mother’s honour, a woman sworn to secrecy and self-imposed denial until the day she died. But Every Shitty Thing is the story Marcia needed to tell and by the time it was self-published in 2018, her father had also died. She admits, without disrespect, a blessing in disguise and perfect timing.
Marcia now lives in Sydney, where she was born and breed, with her second husband Ramzi. Her daughter and two grandchildren live in the next suburb which brings more joy than she thought possible during her six turbulent years away from home.
Marcia is living proof of the saying, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,’ alongside her favourite Oprah mantra, ‘I am a woman in process. I’m just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.’
Her story is a tough and tender ode to a heart and spirit that refused to shatter. A gift of hope to anyone who has ever wanted to give up and then tried again.